Saturday, February 28, 2015

Have not tasted this piece of fruit
never before
so tasty
have never drunk this kind of water
never before
so sweet
have not seen this sort of scenery
never before
so beautiful
have not smelled this scent of flowers
never before
so fragrant

engulfed by
this mountain chain
icy white and cool around
immersed in this natural world
freed from selfish thoughts of mind
selfless beauty on display
i would like to play today
like those children
at my backyard

holiday is not one day
which you think is a lucky day
everyday is wonderful
your mind shall think that everyday
Let me feel like
being a child
I shall be a happy man

         - Ariv.
Feed me brother
before this hunger would kill me down

with noone to feed
and nothing to eat
my stomach and intestines
have been starving
since the past two days

will this world be happy
when I die
say me brother
and let me die
what you have is not with me
what I feel is not you feel

food you have
that I don't have
and hunger I feel
that you don't feel

a piece of dosa if you give me
will make me see a god in you.

                                       - Ariv.
Just like the heart
that never stops ticking
till my end
How can I stop
thinking about you
My Dear Mother
It is you
who gave me this frame
and the one who filled this life into it
It is you
who fed me
and the one with whom I grew up
It is you
who gave me comfort
and taught me what to do when and how
It is you
who showered on me your unconditional love
and who believed in my abilities

Just like the heart
that never stops ticking
till my end
How can I stop
thinking about you
My Dear Mother...

                   - Ariv.

1-5         Learn alphabets numbers and mother tongue, understand things mostly by listening
6-10        Learn what to do & how, understand things mostly by questioning
11-15 Learn what to do when where and how, understand things mostly by reading
16-20      Learn what to do when where how and why, understand things mostly by comparing and differentiating
21-25 Learn what to do when where how who and why, understand things mostly by analysing
26-35 Learn what to do when where who why how and how long, understand things mostly by experiencing and by deciding based on the current situation
36-40 Learn what not to do & why, understand things mostly by experiencing and experimenting
41-50 Learn what not to do why and how long, understand things mostly by experiencing and deciding based on both the current and future situations

The cycle re-starts

51-55 Understand things mostly by listening
56-60 Understand things mostly by questioning
61-65 Understand things mostly by reading

65+         Understand things mostly by listening.

                                                              - Ariv.
Why should I believe in a God
which I have never seen?
Why should I think about a God
which doesnot have any courage to
appear before me?
Why should I pray to a God
which doesnot speak to me?
Why should I speak to a God
which doesnot understand me?

There can be no God
greater than our Parents
who we can see
to whom we can speak
and who understands us well

Parents are a synonym to God
in my

        - Ariv.
testing times for an athlete

testing times for an about-to-be mother

15-20 years
testing times for a teenager

testing times for a job-seeker

testing times for me
when you don't speak to me.

                                   - Ariv.
Finding shortcuts to success
will cut short your success

Give your best shot in everything that you do
and you'll never fall short of success.

                                                 - Ariv.
When shall we meet
and what shall we speak

how will it feel
when both pair of eyes
sparkling with love
meet each other

what should we trust opon
or heart

where do we go from here
and which way should we chose

whom should we believe
and why are we puzzled

I believe you
and you believe me
I am sure
we can live together
for the rest of our life.

                         - Ariv.
Just thinking about our
college days

when you hated mechanics
I liked it the most
when I hated computers
you liked it the most

just thinking about our
heated debates
which lasted for hours
and it would take two days
to cool you
if I had won

just thinking about the
time that I wasted bunking classes
and when you had a 100% attendance

just thinking about the
funny fact that
you hated me everytime
when my exams results
were better than yours

all these things
and thoughts apart
I still feel happy
that I have learnt
something special from you
I donot know
whether you know or not
that is helping me even today

                                     - Ariv.
I like you for
you speaking too little
and allowing me to speak a lot

I like you for
you speaking at least a word
when we meet

I like you for
you smiling at least a time
when we move across

I like you for
you hearing me patiently
when I share what I know
and I think that you do not know
but which you too know

                             - Ariv.

Heart filled with loads of joy
happiness and enjoyment
leading to a world which
I have never seen before

there is no matching
the joy one gets from work
and working as a team
you perform even better
and things move smooth
as everyone puts things in order
which eases the pressure

the above lines
expresses my satisfaction
as we have done something
worthwhile at work
and together
as a team

     - Ariv.

Friday, February 27, 2015

I am this to you
I am that to him
and I am something else to someone else

I keep changing every time
he keeps changing every day
they keep on changing every minute
and everyone keeps on changing every second

the roles
the responsibilities
the relations
the response

You are not the same every time
and me too
and is this a fault of ours?
this could be the characteristic of
each and every living being

to change
and manage change
each and every passing day, minute and moment

accepting change
and managing change
is the best way for any species to survive
I know that
you know that
and everyone else too...

                           - Ariv.
Five things that changed my life the most
My School
The majors that I had chosen for my Graduation
My mobile phone
Google, and

- Ariv.
Each passing day
takes away 0.005% of my lifetime
and each passing day
takes away 0.01% of my remaining lifetime

what I am left up with
could be a few thousand days
and only one life for me
to live the life of my liking

let me not worry for things
which is beyond my control
and let me try to do things
that I love to do
with a positive attitude
and which benefits the world at large

with a strong mind
and a brave heart
from this day
and from this moment...

                            - Ariv.
I ask everyone this same question
Why can't you listen to me?

but when my turn comes
to listen to others
I ask a different question
Why should I listen to you?

And now I got the answer
for my first question...

                          - Ariv.
How long should I long for you?
and how far will my love be tested?
will there not be
a short-cut
to bridge our hearts?

I do not wish
for these days to return
for these are the worst of the worse
days for me

just like the turbine that rotates
to generate power
I revolve around you
to generate love

fill this idiot's mind with sweet memories
so that the world inside me
will not be dark
light up my heart and mind
both alike
like the ever shining sun

do not know
which lady love
once lit this sun
it still lasts forever
basking in glory.

                - Ariv.
When I was angry
you cooled me down
when I was dejected
you lent your shoulder
when I felt that the whole world rejected me
you lent your ears

for me
you gave up your dreams
for me
you waited
and for me
you spent your time

still I wonder,
how did you manage
to take care of this idiot

having learnt so much from you
with so much to learn from you
we moved apart

and who else in this earth
could have done so much
as you did, other than my parents

out of all these species I have seen
you are the one
who I felt
was more special for me
in whatever way I could think
and that is the truth.

                     - Ariv.

Give me one peaceful day
for I can be thankful for my whole lifetime
when will my internal cries
what could end that
endless sorrow
the grief within my boxed up mind
eats me now and then

I see myself
disintegrating into pieces
before me
through my own eyes
which my selfish ego
will not believe

may be I live with two minds
the one that pushes me up
and the other that pulls me down
what a heart
am I provided with?
this should be one of the weakest heart
ticking in this earth

it is also the one
that provides me great strength
to believe in my abilities
and to put up a big show
with umpteen confidence
hoping for the best
in whatever I do

                - Ariv.
What distances me from success?
what distances me from the life that I deserve?
is that time?
is that luck?
is that my fate?
or have I got something to blame on

clarity of thoughts
makes my purpose in life
crystal clear
and that is the only one
which takes me
towards my cherished goal
and people call that success
in whatever language they could
                                         - Ariv.