Saturday, February 28, 2015


1-5         Learn alphabets numbers and mother tongue, understand things mostly by listening
6-10        Learn what to do & how, understand things mostly by questioning
11-15 Learn what to do when where and how, understand things mostly by reading
16-20      Learn what to do when where how and why, understand things mostly by comparing and differentiating
21-25 Learn what to do when where how who and why, understand things mostly by analysing
26-35 Learn what to do when where who why how and how long, understand things mostly by experiencing and by deciding based on the current situation
36-40 Learn what not to do & why, understand things mostly by experiencing and experimenting
41-50 Learn what not to do why and how long, understand things mostly by experiencing and deciding based on both the current and future situations

The cycle re-starts

51-55 Understand things mostly by listening
56-60 Understand things mostly by questioning
61-65 Understand things mostly by reading

65+         Understand things mostly by listening.

                                                              - Ariv.

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