Saturday, June 27, 2015

Although having good qualifications and a great academic background is obviously far more beneficial than not having any qualifications at all, they are not always necessary.
There are many people I know who have had excellent schooling and received first-class degrees, but then gone on to work in an entirely different field, or settled for a job with far less opportunities or kudos.

Here are a few successful people who made it without obtaining a degree: Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Simon Cowell, Bill Gates, Coco Chanel, Walt Disney and Michael Dell. 
The list is endless. There are many people who still manage to succeed in life without having the benefit of further education. They are successful because they are totally committed to what they want to achieve. If they need to learn new things, they learn them.
If they require people with a certain set of skills to help them, then they find them.

If your goal requires you to learn new skills or gain qualifications, then get out there and learn. Don’t make excuses for your lack of education; get educated.

- Ivor Lloyd

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