Thursday, April 09, 2015

Dr. Ambedkar: The Hercules of Drafting Committee
“The House is perhaps aware that out of the seven members nominated by you (to the drafting committee), one had resigned from the house and was replaced. One died and was not replaced. One was away in America and his place was not filled up and another person was engaged in state of affairs and there was a void to that extent. One or two people were far away from Delhi and for the reasons of Health did not permit them to attend. So it happened that the burden of drafting this constitution fell on Dr. Ambedkar and I have no doubt that we are grateful to him for having achieved this task in a manner which is undoubtedly commendable”.
The above words of T. T. Krishnamachari, in the constituent assembly are reflective of the stature of reverence acquired by Dr. Ambedkar in the constituent assembly. Dr. Ambedkar was de-facto recognized as the chief architect of Indian constitution.
- from Internet

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