Saturday, March 28, 2015


Coal is the single biggest component for Thermal Power generators, typically accounting for ____ of input costs.
Answer: 60-70%

Fuel Management supply chain consists of:

a. Fuel Planning,
b. Fuel Sourcing,
c. Logistics Management,
d. Bulk Handling,
e. Yard (Stockpile/ Inventory) Management and
f.  Overall Quality Management.

A better fuel management framework, if followed in power stations, has the potential to reduce the fuel supply chain costs by ____.
Answer: 7-12%.
Coal Logistics and Inventory management includes:

a. Supply chain optimization,
b. Demurrage reduction,
c. Quantity loss reduction,
d. Freight sourcing and negotiation,
e. Inventory reduction etc.

Coal quality management includes:

a. Tracking of coal quality across supply chain,
b. Reduction of GCV losses by proper yard layout,
c. FIFO practices and
d. Stockpile management practices.


What are resin traps?

Resin traps are a safety device used on the outlet pipelines of ion exchange units, high-purity water systems and activated carbon and media filters.

In many systems, a valve failure can allow media to escape from the treatment vessel.

Hence, resin traps are installed primarily to capture the media from escaping out of the treatment vessel.

Not only is the loss of this media expensive, it can easily cause damage to downstream pumping equipment.

A resin trap is used on service outlet and backwash lines.


What are Ion-Exchange systems?

Ion exchange systems are used for efficient removal of dissolved ions from water.
Ion exchangers exchange one ion for another, hold it temporarily, and then release it to a regenerant solution.

In an ion exchange system, undesirable ions in the water supply are replaced with more acceptable ions.
For example, in a sodium zeolite softener, scale-forming calcium and magnesium ions are replaced with sodium ions.

What is an Ion-Exchange process?
Ion exchange process is an exchange of ions between two electrolytes or between an electrolyte solution and a complex.
Ion exchange is a reversible process and the ion exchanger can be regenerated or loaded with desirable ions by washing with an excess of these ions.
In most cases, the term is used to denote the processes of purification, separation, and decontamination of aqueous and other ion-containing solutions with solid polymeric or mineralic 'ion exchangers'.

Ion exchange is widely used in the food & beverage, hydrometallurgical, metals finishing, chemical & petrochemical, pharmaceutical, sugar & sweeteners, ground & potable water, nuclear, softening & industrial water, semiconductor, power, and a host of other industries.
Most typical example of application is preparation of high purity water for power engineering, electronic and nuclear industries.
Ion exchange is a method widely used in household (water filters) to produce soft water.
What are Y-strainers?
Y type strainers are used to remove solids from flowing fluids or gases by means of perforated sheet or wire mesh straining element.
Y type are suggested to use where the solid % is less in quantity.


The dirt or foreign particle holding capacity is less than compared to Basket Strainer.
These strainers are very compact and can be used in horizontal, vertical lines.


What are Basket strainers?

Basket strainers feature top removal of the screen. The screen is in the form of a basket, with a lifting handle, so that all particulate captured and retained by the screen can be easily removed for disposal.
Basket strainers are intended for applications where large amounts of solid particulates are expected, and where clean-out would be more frequent.

There are mainly two types of basket strainers: (a) Simplex type and (b) Duplex type.
a)    Simplex type Basket strainers:

Simplex basket strainers are used where the line can be shut down for short periods to clean or change baskets.

Simplex pipeline basket strainers are used in piping applications where a greater screen area to pipe area ratio is required. By providing a greater screen area than a Y-strainer, one can optimize the total open area and minimize the potential pressure loss through the basket.

Simplex strainers are used to protect pipelines, valves, and spray nozzles from water flow problems. They reduce the necessity for frequent cleaning and provides a cost and time saving benefit with less downtime.
b)    Duplex Type Basket Strainers:
Duplex type basket strainers are used in continuous flow applications where the process cannot be shut down for cleaning.
Some examples are lubrication systems, industrial or marine oil burners, chemical plants, cooling lines in power plants, compressors, condensers, ink supply lines to printing presses, and for water lines to cooling towers and pumping stations.
The primary benefit of a duplex basket strainer is to provide uninterrupted downtime for maintenance and cleaning.

This type of basket strainer has two separate strainer basket chambers that operate    dependently. When one basket chamber becomes full, the flow is switched to the other allowing the first basket to be pulled out and cleaned.
A duplex basket strainers are ideal for applications where pipelines cannot be shut down for basket change out. 


Unknown said...

Thank U Very Much for Info Sir...


Thanks a lot for the valuable information sir.