Friday, March 27, 2015

Rain was my friend
and I was fond of this rain

my friend was this rain
and I was fond of my friend

I had this strange sixth sense feel
start from my childhood
and when i felt it would rain
it will
it doesn't matter whether the day was
amidst a spell of heat wave or a cold wave

to say that simple and short
it rained at my will
and it's true

the scent of the soil
would announce its arrival

the umbrellas
the rain coats
the paper boats
and all would be welcoming my friend

rain was my friend
and I was fond of my friend

busy riders trying to get away
from the sudden gush of rain
and the proactive ones busy finding
covered sheds around to stay beneath

the prevailing happiness multiplies
when schools declare holiday
predicting a heavy downpour

there could never be a good reason
than this to celebrate
this phenomena called rain

a lot did we enjoy
when rain was around the corner
the dark sky
whirlpool winds
a cool breeze
lovely drizzle
and then comes my rain

rain was my friend
and I was fond of my friend

a reason to rejoice
a fortune to farmers
an absolute delight
to watch this wonderful union
when it wets this soil back
to where it once belonged

huge did it pour
and more did we watch
through those wooden windows
the earth drenched with rain
this heart drenched with joy

delightful rain baths
despite my mother's warnings
would put me down with
cold and fever
with a running nose
did I run to school
fearing not to miss my classes

couldn't I feel that rain back
when I enjoyed endlessly
dancing in the rain
as an innocent kid

rain was my friend
and I was fond of this rain

rain was my friend
and I am missing him now...

and yes
it has started to rain now...

                                 - Ariv.

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