Wednesday, March 25, 2015

All say that
you are 70% of me

you never appear
most of us long for you
why do you desert us
and create more deserts

when some of us need you not
why do you flood
with your evil eyes
say me
why do you play
such hide and seeks

you go deep under the earth
and is not be found,
even if searched deep down
at times
you spring out to dance
without notice

a poor man
having nothing to eat
would only find you
you fill our stomachs
as you fill our earth

why should not we pray for you
you are the cause of life
and you are our savior

you remain in our blood
till we remain
and will continue to remain
in all these fauna,
and all these flora
for times to come

you are so wonderful, and
that you remain a mystery to many
doesn't surprise me

couldn't I imagine
a world without you

how can I trace your history back
is oxygen your mother
hydrogen your father

all say that
you are 70% of me

was all that
I was saying about.

                     - Ariv.

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