Saturday, March 07, 2015

At last I found some peace

because of you
could I see a better world

deep did you drive my soul
entering into my world of troubles

forever did my worries perish, and
gone were those struggling days

happy are those hours
in which I fall asleep in your lap

just like that you shaped my life
kind enough by sparing your life

little were my aims in life, and
more did you add to that

need not now I fear to fail, for
often you gave that confidence to sail

people when they offer me a lot of praise
quickly you'll come in front of my mind

restless life was all you had, and
so cruel were some situations then

think those times when I was young
understand now your pains & cries, and
very much you took care of me still

wonderful world that I see now, is
xerox of what that you had dreamt

you took me with you all along, and a
zillion thanks will not suffice.

(In honor of my Mother on the eve of Women's Day - Ariv.)

(The first word in each sentence follows the alphabetical sequence. i.e. starts with letter 'a' in the first sentence and follows the alphabetical order in the subsequent sentences).

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