Monday, March 09, 2015

Someone else invented alphabets & numbers for me
and someone else organised language for me

someone else sows seeds for me
and someone else harvests crops for me

someone else markets things for me
and someone else prepares food for me

someone else educates me
and someone else takes care of my health

someone else discovered science for me
and someone else formulates medicines for me

someone else protects me
fighting at my country's border
someone else provides me safety
insulating me from anti-social elements

someone else gives me money for the job that I do
and someone else secures
that hard earned money

someone else builds my house
and someone else cleans my sceptic tank

someone else supplies me water
and someone else provides me electric power

someone else reads and writes for me
and someone else sings, dances and act for me

someone else shares my sorrows
and multiplies my happiness
someone else hurts me
and makes me learn

someone else guides me
and takes care of me
someone else stays along with me
at times of happiness
and deserts me during the difficult times

and all these someone else's
along with myself
constitute a society

without all of them
I am a nothing
in this world

if I need to stay happy,
my society should stay happy
that is the eternal truth
there is no secret in it.

                         - Ariv.

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