Friday, March 13, 2015

I am much surprised
to see people getting
so popular
after their death

why do they
get more attention and praise
post their demise
not when they were with us

does it mean
one should die
to get immortal

lavish praises after his death
raises from the critic
whose negativity
he bore all his life

all praises showered on him
in his death bed
no single living cell of him
now exists
neither to accept nor feel

this world
certainly will not know
how to hold and celebrate people
who cares for the society

only when he ceases
then a billion praises cascade

They would not require
all your flowers and garlands
at their death bed

get lost
if you do not bother now
do not even disturb them
after they get lost from you.

                                  - Ariv.

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